So I am back in Baltimore for a few days, and was despairing because my parents don't have HBO, which cockblocks me from getting my hands on the first episode of Game of Thrones. But as luck would have it, HBO is free this weekend, so I got to watch the premiere after all! And I have Thoughts on it, as you do.
So there are these things called the Pearl Awards for Hunger Games fic and art that exceeds expectations! (Which makes me think of OWLs. Oh, fannish roots.) And Mith and I got nominated for a bunch of them! So, um, thank you times a million to the people who nominated us. I'm thrilled that the stuff we wrote spoke to people that much, and I'm
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I don't often talk about my program in this journal, mostly because 90% of the stuff I talk about is gay porn fannish, but despite finals!stress November was fuckin' crazy, y'all, I feel like I am growing so much in it. And I am infintely less obnoxious than I used to be. Hopefully.I am learning that it's okay for me to be wrong. I am learning that
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